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Community Consultation Miller Social Infrastructure Masterplan

Miller Community Centre and The Hub with street art on wall

This consultation is now closed. Thank you for your feedback.

Liverpool City Council is preparing a Social Infrastructure Masterplan for the suburb of Miller, to ensure the supply and operation of facilities such as the Miller Library, the Miller Senior Citizens Centre, Community Centre and the Budyarie Miller Health Centre meets the needs of the existing and future community. The Masterplan will provide a direction for Council and the Community in regard to future management of the current active and passive parks, reserves, sportsfields and aquatic facilities managed by Council and also the provision for new areas and facilities in the future.

As part of the background research to support the Masterplan options we would like you to be part of the consultation process by participating in an online survey. Your input will help to inform the study and shape the Social Infrastructure Masterplan.

Social infrastructure includes the facilities, buildings, recreation and open spaces, services and networks that support the quality of life and wellbeing of our communities. The network of social infrastructure contributes to the social identity and quality of life of people within Miller.

A Social Infrastructure Masterplan is a plan that will provide direction on how the social infrastructure in Miller is planned for and maintained.  The Masterplan will provide an assessment of the facilities, buildings and spaces, well as the programs, services and networks that are used by the community within Miller. The Masterplan will provide guidance on how to deliver and manage the social infrastructure, to sustain liveability and community wellbeing over the next decade and in the longer term.

The Masterplan will provide an evidence-based framework for decision making on social infrastructure provision in Miller.

The Masterplan will identify spaces and programs that can promote social participation and support for the community of Miller. The Masterplan will allow decisions to be made for Miller that ensure the uses and facilities are inclusive, being a place for everyone, and will ensure the community spaces are adaptable and respond to the population needs and changes that are likely to occur in Miller and surrounding suburbs in the future.

Liverpool LGA is one of the fastest growing local government areas in NSW.  To ensure we continue to thrive as a well-connected, cosmopolitan city, it is important that the ageing social infrastructure assets are transformed into a world class network of modern facilities that will meet the demands of the growing community.  Council is committed to ensuring that the needs of the community are at the forefront of planning and decision making.

This guiding document will provide a framework for ongoing and future management of the facilities and spaces in Miller.  We are working with consultants to complete background research to understand the supply of spaces and facilities in the Miller suburb and also asking for community feedback.

As Australian populations age, there is an increasing demand for social infrastructure in urban areas.  Over time, the once state of the art facilities and assets have aged, and it is necessary now to reconsider and revitalise the traditional social infrastructure spaces and facilities to ensure they meet the latest demands for more flexible and technologically advanced spaces.  It is important for future planning to be informed by an assessment of the current and future gaps in the provision of social infrastructure in Miller, identifying opportunities to create more flexible and multipurpose spaces that will meet the needs of the community as well as service providers in the area.

This project will identify the future opportunities in relation to social infrastructure, including the open space and recreation facilities, to benefit the Miller and Liverpool community now and into the future.  The Masterplan will reflect the community’s and Council’s aspirations which will guide future investment and funding allocation, over the short, medium and long term.

What is Miller’s greatest strength?  What improvements can be made to the facilities and spaces in Miller?  What are your aspirations for the future of Miller?

We want to know more about how you use the existing social infrastructure spaces and facilities, including the recreation and open spaces and aquatic facilities.  By providing feedback on your usage, what you use them for and if you think there are enough or if there are suggested improvements that will help us to better understand and inform the strategy.