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LEP Review: Draft Land Use Strategies and Phase 1 Planning Proposal (Amendment 82)

Following the release of the Greater Sydney Commission’s Greater Sydney Region Plan (A Metropolis of Three Cities) and Western City District Plan, Liverpool City Council has a legal obligation under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979  to review its Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to ensure that it aligns with the priorities listed in these plans.

The first Planning Proposal (Phase 1) of the LEP review was endorsed by Council on 25 September 2019 and is now on public exhibition. It includes proposed zoning changes in Moorebank.

A number of strategies have also been prepared to guide strategic land use planning in Liverpool and to support the development of the new LEP and Development Control Plan. The strategies respond to key trends and opportunities to ensure that growth in Liverpool is appropriately managed and provides guidance for the assessment of future planning proposals.

This Planning Proposal begins to implement the actions of the Liverpool Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) and aligns with the Western City District Plan, and strengthens the LEP and corrects anomalies.

Moorebank zoning changes

A key element of the Planning Proposal seeks to rezone certain land around the Moorebank Town Centre from R4 High Density Residential to R3 Medium Density Residential. This proposed zoning change ensures that residential flat buildings (apartment buildings) are only developed in appropriate locations and that there is an appropriate transition between high and medium density housing.

Council has prepared responses to Frequently Asked Questions and a map to help explain the changes proposed.

Council has now endorsed three draft land use strategies for public exhibition.

Draft Liverpool Local Housing Strategy

The  draft Liverpool Local Housing Strategy sets out the priorities and actions to deliver suitable housing in the right locations to meet the needs of the Liverpool community over the next 20 years. It ensures that housing delivery protects local amenity and character, open space and ecological values and is aligned with infrastructure delivery.

Draft Liverpool Centres and Corridors Strategy

The  draft Liverpool Centres and Corridors Strategy ensures that there are adequate, appropriate and accessible retail services for Liverpool’s growing population into the future.

Draft Liverpool Industrial and Employment Lands Strategy

The  draft Industrial and Employment Lands Strategy guides the retention, improvement and development of employment lands in the Liverpool LGA over the next 20 years.

Documents on exhibition

Draft Liverpool Industrial and employment Lands Strategy
Download Link ()
Draft Liverpool Centres and Corridors Strategy
Download Link ()
Draft Liverpool Local Housing Strategy
Download Link ()
Draft Planning Proposal – LEP Review Phase 1
Download Link ()

Useful Links

Local Planning Directions – Section 9.1
Download Link ()
Western City District Plan
Download Link ()
Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008
Download Link ()

Key Dates

End of public exhibition period21 July 2020

Who's listening

Michael Midson

Strategic Planning

Phone: 1300 36 2170
