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Kotlash Park – Local Park Construction

Community consultation on Kotlash Park Local Park Construction closed on 9 September 2020.  Liverpool Council would like to thank residents who viewed the plans and provided us with valuable feedback on the proposed improvements to Kotlash Park.

Overall, the feedback was positive and supported the plans for a new children’s playground and landscape upgrade.  Minor amendments were made to the concept plan in response to feedback received including moving the proposed playground further to the west to allow more room for the general kickaround area.  Please note that Council has no plan to include outdoor gym equipment and perimeter footpath in Kotlash Park. These facilities will be available as part of redevelopment works at Phillips Park - less than 500m away from Kotlash Park. You can view or download the Final Concept Plan in the 'Related' section.

Council will now proceed onto the next stage of the project, which involves tendering for the improvement works and anticipates works on site will commence early 2021.

Should you have any enquiries regarding the proposed works, please contact Cleo Pang, Landscape Architect (Open Space Construction) by email to (quoting file no. 2020/2055).