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Railway Serviceway - Tactical Urbanism

Railway Street and the connected Railway Serviceway are a gateway into the Liverpool city centre for people arriving from Liverpool Station.

Railway Serviceway is frequently used by pedestrians travelling through the southern city centre along Speed Street, Terminus Street and to Liverpool Public School and surrounds.

Council developed tactical urbanism ideas as part of the Liverpool City Centre Public Domain Master Plan and a related design study for the Railway Street precinct, which when installed in Railway Serviceway will help regulate vehicle speeds to the sign-posted 10km/h limit, improving pedestrian safety and providing opportunities for other uses as a new shared public space.

The tactical urbanism concept design includes simple elements that can be constructed without impact on the traffic and service functions of Railway Serviceway. The concept design includes the following proposed elements:

  • Painted surface treatment delineating vehicle and pedestrian areas;
  • Potted plants and trees for increased greenery, shade and colour;
  • Temporary shade umbrellas;
  • Seating opportunities; and
  • Public art elements.

An artist's impression of what Railway Serviceway could look like once the proposed tactical urbanism ideas are implemented by Council later this year can be seen below, along with an image of the existing Serviceway.

Tactical urbanism is the temporary installation of flexible low-cost projects to advance long-term streetscape outcomes that can improve street safety and increase the use of public space. Tactical urbanism allows for low capital expenditure to trial long-term streetscape improvements, support places for people and allow for local business to potentially engage more with shared use of street environments.

Throughout 2020 the NSW Government, through the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, has been working closely with six councils – three each from Sydney and regional NSW – to deliver public space projects focused on improving walkable access, and the quality of open spaces, public facilities and streets.

Liverpool City Council was successful with its application for grant funding to trial temporary interventions in Railway Serviceway.

Have Your Say:

Council is keen to understand how people currently use Railway Serviceway and learn more about what they like and don't like about the Serviceway. Your feedback will help inform the final concept design for the Serviceway.

To have your say, please complete the survey below by 20 September 2020. Alternatively you can complete the 'Great Public Spaces - Evaluation Tool for Public Space and Public Life' linked in the Related Documents section and email this to Scott Sidhom, Coordinator Urban Design, at

Survey questions draw on research by Gehl, the Gehl Institute and Project for Public Space. You are encouraged to complete the survey on site, familiarising yourself with the Serviceway by observing and walking around.

Key Dates
End of feedback period 20 September 2020

Who's Listening:

Scott Sidhom 
City Design
Phone: 1300 36 2170