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St Andrews Park, Casula - Exhibition Of Draft Concept Plan

Liverpool City Council is planning to undertake a range of improvements at St Andrews Park on St Andrews Boulevard, Casula.

Improvements which are planned for delivery during the 2020/2021 financial year, will include:

  • Construction of terraced levels to provide recreational space activities for viewing, play and contemplation;
  • Installing new pathways and a staircase to access facilities;
  • A children's playground and rubber safety surface;
  • Installation of park furniture; and
  • Garden beds and entry statement.

Have your say

Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the Draft Concept Plan and provide Council with feedback by completing the survey before 6 November 2020.

Comments received will be reviewed and analysed, and the concept design will then be finalised in response to the comments. The final concept plan will be uploaded here for public viewing once it becomes available.

Key Dates
End of feedback period 6 November 2020

Who's Listening

For any enquiries regarding the Draft Concept Plan please contact Council's Landscape Architect Cleo Pang by email to (quoting file no. 2020/2013).