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Leppington Town Centre Masterplan

Council invites you to assist in shaping the vision for the Leppington Town Centre by participating in an interactive webinar on Wednesday, 17 February 2021 from 12pm-1pm.

This webinar will allow you to have your say on important aspects of the Leppington Town centre such as infrastructure, liveability, productivity and sustainability.

What land is included in the review?

The review applies to land within the Leppington Town Centre precinct boundary (indicated by the purple line below).


Why undertake the review?

A number of changes have occurred in the Leppington Town Centre since the initial rezoning in 2013. These include the opening of Leppington Train Station, a commitment to deliver Western Sydney International Airport, advocacy for the extension of the railway line to the airport and the identification of the Leppington Town Centre as a Strategic Centre by the NSW Government. This rezoning aims to address these recent changes.

Background – Planning History

In March 2013, the Town Centre was rezoned for urban development under State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006, as part of the Austral and Leppington North Precinct.

In July 2017, the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) commenced a review of planning controls for the Leppington Town Centre, looking at the scope for new homes and jobs close to Leppington Train Station.

In November 2019, the NSW Government announced that Camden Council and Liverpool City Council would lead the Leppington Town Centre Review. The review will progress as a Council-led Planning Proposal.

Council officers are currently working on specialist studies, a review of planning controls and the masterplan that will inform the Planning Proposal for the Leppington Town Centre.

When complete, the Planning Proposal will be reported to Camden Council and Liverpool City Council before seeking endorsement from DPIE for Public Exhibition.

When can I see the new Masterplan for the Leppington Town Centre, including proposed planning controls?

The draft Masterplan and supporting documents are being prepared for presentation to Council in early 2021. The community will then have the ability to comment during the Public Exhibition period.

How can I get involved in the review of the Leppington Town Centre?

Council invites you to assist in shaping the vision for the Leppington Town Centre by participating in an interactive webinar.

This webinar will allow you to have your say on important aspects of Leppington Town centre such as Infrastructure, Liveability, Productivity and Sustainability.

Have your say

The webinar will be held on Wednesday, 17 February 2021 at 12pm -1pm.

Pre-registration is essential. To pre-register, please visit: https://ewouk.com.au/leppington-webinar/

Who's Listening

Questions about current planning controls can be answered by Council’s Planning Advisory Team on 1300 36 2170.

Other questions about  the  Leppington Town Centre can be addressed to Council’s Strategic Planning Team on 1300 36 2170 or via email leppington@liverpool.nsw.gov.au.