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Public Art Strategy


Council is creating a Public Art Strategy, which will be a document to guide decisions about Public Art projects and initiatives, in the Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA).

What is Public Art?

Public Art is any artwork that is created by an artist and is viewable to the public. This includes art located in streets, laneways, parks, and on / within publicly accessible buildings such as libraries, community centres and shopping centres.

Have Your Say

Community Consultation from 3 August to 16 September 2022.

We would love your ideas and input, which will help shape the Strategy, and the development of public art in the Liverpool LGA.

Who’s Listening

For any enquiries related to the Public Art Strategy project, please contact James Martinez, Technical Administration Officer via phone on 02 8711 7428 or via email at

What happens next?

The responses of this survey will be collated and used to inform the development of the draft Public Art Strategy.

Once a draft of the Strategy is prepared, it will be reported to Council seeking endorsement for it to be placed on public exhibition. If endorsed, the draft Strategy will be made available for comment, and the comments received will be used to inform the finalisation of the Strategy.