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Crown Lands Management


The Crown Land Management Act 2016 authorises NSW councils to manage certain Crown Lands as if they were public land under the Local Government Act 1993. These are lands set aside on behalf of the community for a wide range of public purposes. Within the Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA), Liverpool City Council (Council) is appointed as Crown Land Manager of 22 Crown Reserves covering approximately 242 hectares.

Under the CLM Act, all Crown Land Reserves that are classified as ‘Community Land’ require an ‘Initial Categorisation’ that relates to the Crown Land Reserve purpose. In determining the category that applies to a reserve, Council must refer to LG Act provisions and consider how these would preserve and facilitate use of the land for the purpose for which it was originally dedicated or reserved.

Have Your Say

The Crown Lands Classification and Initial Categorisation is currently on public exhibition for you to review and comment on. Your feedback will assist Council to determine:

* How is the land is currently being utilised by the community and does it meet community needs; and

*  Whether additional community land categories are required to address how the land is being utilised by the community

Feedback from the community will be compiled to assist Council develop and adopt a new Plan of Management for all Crown Lands in the Liverpool LGA.

Who's Listening

All enquiries regarding this project can be directed to:
Community Planning Policy Officer Social Infrastructure, Liverpool city Council via email on

Council’s vision for each reserve recognises the long-term use of the site as socially, culturally and physically enhancing the community. Each site will be managed and maintained according to the reserve’s purpose, categorisation and other attributes present on the site which will be detailed in a draft Plan of Management. Draft Crown which will be prepared to comply with the Crown Land Management Act 2016 and the Local Government Act 1993.

Your feedback is important to us

This form closes 28 March 2023.

Crown land is land owned by the NSW State Government (the Crown), some of which is managed by Liverpool City Council as Crown Land Manager under the Crown Land Management Act 2016.

Crown reserves are land set aside on behalf of the community for a wide range of public purposes including environmental and heritage protection, recreation and sport, open space, community halls, special events for use and access by the community.

The CLM Act requires Crown reserves managed by Council to be managed in line with the Local Government Act (LG) Act 1993 in the same manner as Council Community land. The transition requires the affected Crown reserves to be managed via a plan of management (PoM). The first step is to assign the appropriate land categories.

Council resolved to undertake initial community consultation on the proposed land categories. Once finalised, The Minister will be notified of Council’s preferred categories and, following confirmation from the Minister, PoMs can be prepared.

A Plan of Management (PoM) is a document written for land that is managed by Council and classified as community land.

A PoM:

  • Identifies the key values of the land and its purpose so it can be protected and enhanced
  • Outlines how the reservice and its features will generally be managed and maintained
  • Aims to meet the ongoing needs of the local community
  • Indicates how the land may be used or developed

Many of these Crown reserves have previously been included within a Plan of Management.

A few tips

  • Do you know of other factors impacting on the categorisation of a particular reserve?
  • If you think another category would be more suitable, please let us know why.
  • Any proposed variation to land categories must be justified