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Planning Proposal for a Private Hospital – 61-71 Goulburn Street, Liverpool (RZ-6/2021)

Project Overview

Liverpool City Council has received a planning proposal request, to amend the Height of Building (HOB) and Floor Space Ratio (FSR) development standards for 61-71 Goulburn Street, Liverpool. The proposal will facilitate the development of a private hospital, consulting suites and supporting retail.

The proposal seeks to amend the Height of Building control from 35 to 79 metres, and the Floor Space Ratio control from 2.5:1 to 6.9:1. The changes will facilitate a development of 32,280m2, and 79m in height, comprising approximately 155 private hospital beds, 12,000m2 of consulting and education suites and 353m2 of supporting retail uses.

An indicative image of the proposed development is below, and can be found in the Architectural Concept Design (and Shadow Diagrams) below:

Private Hospital

How to make a submission?

The Planning Proposal can also be viewed by searching for ‘PP-2021-7276’ on the NSW Planning Portal or under the related tab.

Submissions are invited from the public and can be made through here or sent via email to Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on 12 May 2023, quoting ref: RZ-6/2021.

What happens next?

All submissions will be assessed and reported to Council

Who’s Listening

For further enquiries relating to the rezoning, please contact Brianna van Zyl, Senior Strategic Planner, on 8711 7940 or