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Railway Street Shared Spaces Demonstration Project

Liverpool City Council’s Railway Street Shared Spaces Demonstration Project as part of the NSW Government’s Streets as Shared Spaces program will see a temporary revitalisation of Railway Street.

Project Overview

Liverpool City Council successfully applied for funding of $500,000 as part of the NSW Government's Streets as Shared Spaces (Round 2) grants program to temporary revitalise Railway Street.

Fully funded by this grant, this project is designed to activate Railway Street, stimulate the local economy, and enhance the streetscape through:

  • Temporary footpath widening and kerb buildouts with the addition of parklets, barriers, surface treatments, street lines and artificial turf
  • An outdoor dining area with temporary furniture, barriers, shading devices, and lighting
  • Creation of recreation areas with temporary seating, furniture, planter boxes, and barriers
  • Community event and pop-up activities

For more information on the project, click here.

Project Delivery

  • Commencement: March 2023
  • Trial Period: 6 months, with the possibility of extensions.

To submit the feedback via comments click here

Who's Listening

For more information on the project, click here.

For any enquiries related to the Railway Street Shared Spaces Demonstration Project, please contact the City Design & Public Domain team via email at

For more information on the NSW Government's Streets as Shared Spaces Program, click here.

What happens next?

The response of this survey will be collated to evaluate the Railway Street Shared Spaces Demonstration Project.