Liverpool Local Planning Panel

The Liverpool Local Planning Panel (LLPP) was established to provide an independent hearing forum for objectors and applicants on certain applications.

The LLPP meetings are held on Mondays with the public hearing commencing at 2pm.

The Panel assesses applications in a manner that is ethical, professional and independent of Liverpool City Council.

The Panel include an independent forum for stakeholders, applicants, the community and objectors, to discuss and determine development applications in a public forum

Applications which are referred to the Panel for determination as follows:

  1. Development for which the applicant or land owner is;
    1. The Council
    2. A Councillor
    3. A member of Council staff who is principally involved in the exercise of Council’s functions under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979,
    4. A member of Parliament (either the Parliament of NSW or Parliament of the Commonwealth), or
    5. A relative (within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993) of a person referred to in (b) to (d)
  2. Development that:
    1. In the case of a Council having an approved submissions policy – is the subject of the number of submissions set by that policy, or
    2. In any other case – is the subject of 10 or more unique submissions by way of objection.
  3. Development that contravenes a development standard imposed by an Environmental Planning Instrument (EPI) by more than 10% or non-numerical development standards.
  4. Sensitive development including;
    1. Designated Development
    2. Development to which State Environmental Planning Policy No 65 – Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development applies.
    3. Development involving the demolition of a heritage item.
    4. Development for the purpose of new licensed premises, that will require one of the following liquor licenses:
      1. A club license under the Registered Clubs Act 1976
      2. A hotel (general bar) license under the Liquor Act 2007, or
      3. An on-premises license for public entertainment venues under the Liquor Act 2007
    5. Development for the purpose of sex services premises and restricted premises.
    6. Development applications for which the developer has offered to enter into a planning agreement.

Note: Council may on occasion request from the Panel exercise its authority and defer the power to determine an application back to Council for minor applications that fall within any of the criteria set out above that have received no public submissions.

The Chairperson will open the meeting and introduce the panel members. The order of items are set out in the agenda. This is available before the meeting.

As each item is referred to, the objectors are invited to speak. The applicant will then be offered the opportunity to respond. Questions may be asked by the Panel members. After receiving all of the submissions, the meeting will be closed.

The Panel will then discuss the issues raised and consider the Assessment Officer's report. The LLPP makes a recommendation and prepares a report to go to Council for consideration.

There is no guarantee that the panel will adopt the recommendation of the Assessment Officer.

If you wish to speak to the panel regarding a matter on the agenda, please contact Liverpool City Council by 4pm on the Friday prior to the meeting.

Local Planning Panel meetings are open to the public.

The panel members, who are independent of Council, will consist of a specialist in town planning, law, environment, urban design, traffic and a community representative. Panel members are on rotation and will be introduced on the meeting night.

The Assessment Officer is the staff member who is assessing the application for Council. The Assessment Officer prepares a report for the panel which includes their evaluation, the concerns raised during the exhibition period and their recommendations.

Council staff are responsible for notification of the LLPP meetings.


  • Michael Mantei - Chair
  • Stephen Alchin - Alternate Chair
  • Donna Rygate - Alternate Chair
  • Stuart McDonald - Expert Panel Member
  • Stephen Raymond Dobell-Brown - Community Representative (South Ward)
  • Daryl Hawker - Community Representative (North Ward)
  • Ellie Robertson – Community Representative
  • Suzana  Apostolou - Community Representative
  • Jeremy Thomas - Community Representative

After the panel has considered submissions made by interested parties, the panel will make a determination on the application. This becomes public the day following the meeting.

Please note that the panel may defer the determination of the application.

Meeting Dates 2024 Meeting Agenda 2024 Meeting Minutes 2024Audio
26th FebruaryDownloadDownloadDownload
Electronic  Determination
25th March  DownloadDownloadDownload
29th April DownloadDownloadDownload
27th MayDownload



24th June




29th July    
26th August    
30th September      
28th October   
25th November  
LLPP Meeting Dates 2023 LLPP Meeting Agenda 2023 LLPP Meeting Minutes 2023
17 January  

Electronic determination


27 February DownloadDownload
27 March DownloadDownload
24 April Cancelled Cancelled
29 MayDownloadDownload
26 June DownloadDownload
31 July DownloadDownload
28 August DownloadDownload
25 September   DownloadDownload
October – Electronic Determination


Electronic determination


30 October



27 November



11 December – Extraordinary MeetingDownloadDownload
LLPP Meeting Dates 2022 LLPP Meeting Agenda 2022 
28 February   
28 March   
26 April DownloadDownload
30 May DownloadDownload
27 June DownloadDownload
25 JulyDownloadDownload
29 August DownloadDownload
26 September  DownloadDownload
31 OctoberDownloadDownload
28 NovemberDownloadDownload
12 DecemberDownloadDownload
LLPP Meeting Dates 2021LLPP Meeting Agenda 2021LLPP Meeting Minutes 2021
22 February


29 March  
3 MayDownloadDownload
31 May  
28 JuneDownloadDownload
26 JulyDownloadDownload
30 AugustDownloadDownload
27 September  
25 OctoberDownloadDownload
29 November 
LLPP Meeting Dates 2020LLPP Meeting Agenda 2020LLPP Meeting Minutes 2020
24 February


30 MarchDownloadDownload
20 April  
25 MayDownloadDownload
29 June Electronic determination
27 JulyDownloadDownload
31 AugustDownloadDownload
7 September Electronic determination
9 September Electronic determination
28 SeptemberDownloadDownload
26 OctoberDownload


Electronic determination

30 NovemberDownload


7 December


Addendum to Agenda for item 1 DA-698/2020


Please click the link here to view the questions.