Busker Under 18 Years of Age Registration Application Form

  • Application for Buskers under the age of 18 years and minimum age of 12 years MUST complete this parental/legal guardian consent form
  • Buskers under 18 years of age must attend the review with a parent/legal guardian
  • Photo identification of Busker is to be provided
  • Parent/legal guardian MUST accompany Buskers under 18 years of age whilst busking or ensure that the Busker has in their possession your signed authority indicating an approved supervisor of at least 18 years of age is accompanying them
  • Each busker must maintain, at their expense, an all risk Public Liability Insurance Certificate – minimum $20 million is required
  • Agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions
* All mandatory fields must be completed

Location of Proposed Activity

Details of Proposed Activity

Documents Required

Each busker must maintain a Certificate of Currency for an all risk Public Liability Insurance policy with a minimum cover of $20 million which MUST be provided at the time of submission of this application
No file selected
Photo Identification of Busker eg licence, passport
No file selected

Busker Parent/Guardian Consent

I understand that:

  1. I must accompany my child at all times while they are busking or ensure that they have in their possession a signed authority provided by myself indicating an approved supervisor of at least 18 years of age.
  2. Liverpool City Council does not provide supervision of buskers less than 18 years of age.
I understand the above 1. and 2. and hereby give consent for my child (listed above) to carry out busking in the Liverpool City Centre.
I hereby agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions and understand that if I breach any of these, my permit will be revoked.
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