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Elizabeth Hills Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Plan – Request for Community Feedback


In response to community representations, Council engaged a traffic consultant to undertake an Elizabeth Hills Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study.

The study involved assessment of traffic conditions, speeding, crash history, community concerns along the key collector and local streets, including Newgate Boulevard, Rosebank Avenue, Duxford Street Dabroyed Drive and Regentville Drive, and to recommend traffic management measures to reduce traffic speed, improve traffic conditions and residential amenity.

The study has identified that Regentville Drive is carrying high through traffic volumes and three other intersections without existing intersection treatments requires treatment to redistribute through traffic to improve road safety.

At its October 2023 meeting, Council on the recommendation of the Liverpool Local Traffic Committee (LTC) resolved that the local community be consulted on the LATM Study recommendations and their comments be considered in undertaking detailed designs and consideration for staged implementation of the study recommendations.

This proposal

The LATM study has recommended the following treatments:

  • Rerouting of southbound traffic through Newgate Boulevard and Rosebank Avenue by restricting movements at the existing roundabout with Wixstead Avenue. This will reduce traffic flow through Regentville Drive.
  • Install a roundabout at the Rosebank Avenue/Duxford Street and Regentville Drive/Dabroyed Drive intersections.
  • Install raised safety platform at Rosebank Avenue/Gowanlea Avenue intersection and raised thresholds at number of locations.

The treatments will redistribute through traffic in the precinct, reduce traffic speed, and improve residential amenity.

A copy of the study report and recommendations are attached. Subject to the community feedback a report will be presented to Council to consider staged implementation of the recommended treatments, in future budgets, depending on funding allocations.

Request for Input has concluded

Liverpool Council would like to thank residents who provided valuable feedback.