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Upgrade 15th Avenue Now


Our Objective

Liverpool Council has launched this ePetition to encourage the state government to urgently upgrade the chronically congested Fifteenth Ave and support the thousands of homes newly built and planned for development in the area, including 7,000 in the Austral area alone.

Current funding commitments by the Australian and NSW governments are not sufficient to address the current corridor deficiencies.

Fifteenth Avenue needs action, to ensure a safer, more reliable and faster travel option to support the current demand and future growth.

Our campaign will also seek input from you, our community, on what the new road should look like.


  • Fifteenth Avenue a critical local road link connecting the city centre to the Western Sydney International Airport (WSIA), the Aerotropolis and new Bradfield City Centre.
  • With a population of approximately 250,000 people and forecasted population growth of 100,000 over the next 20 years, this road requires urgent action to meet our community’s transport needs
  • This road is inadequate to meet the current or future infrastructure requirements for the area.
  • This corridor is essential for managing the city's expansion westward, alleviating current congestion, and providing practical transport choices for residents, workers, and visitors.
  • With a population of approximately 250,000 people and forecasted population growth of 100,000 over the next 20 years, this road requires urgent action to meet our community’s transport needs

Improvements to this road are needed to:

  • improve safety for pedestrians, bike-riders, bus passengers, drivers and children accessing local schools
  • provide practical transport choices for residents, workers, and visitors
  • alleviate current traffic delays
  • manage the city's expansion westward
  • provide practical transport choices for residents, workers, and visitors
  • Council is seeking 20,000 signatures on our ePetition.
  • If successful, the aim is that the issue will be debated in the NSW Parliament before the end of 2024.
  • The suburbs around Fifteenth Avenue are getting lots more people: 63,000 more residents by 2041.
  • Council is also determined that the route is upgraded with footpaths, cycleways, and rapid bus services linking to Liverpool CBD via the existing Liverpool–Parramatta T-way along Hoxton Park Road.
  • The new airport will bring millions into our area, with 5 million passengers per year coming through the airport from opening day in only 18 months.
  • This year Council has made improvements to Fifteenth Avenue, but for the road to be properly upgraded, it will cost at least $500 million. The State Government has committed $50 million, or 10% of the total.
  • The NSW state government has committed over $300M to new seating in Penrith Stadium, which could be diverted to address Fifteenth Avenue instead.
  • Council wants the road declared a State Road and for the NSW state government to commit to upgrading it urgently.

Frequently  Asked Questions

Currently, Liverpool City Council.

However, Transport for NSW (State Government) has signalled that it will upgrade the road and bus services along it, to meet forecast growth needs for the area.

A date is yet to be committed for the upgrades.

Issues currently faced:

  • Pedestrian, cyclist and driver safety, lack of footpaths and cycleways, major daily traffic congestion and the general lack of capacity to provide reasonable traffic movement.
  • Fifteenth Avenue is currently a two-lane rural road between Cowpasture Road and Ramsay Road which does not meet current traffic needs. Conditions will only get worse with expected continuing growth and the new airport opening.

The upgrade of the road, including the intersection where it meets Cowpasture Road, is urgently needed to address this issue.

Council is making some temporary improvements to improve safety, such as intersection upgrades along the corridor. However, this won’t address the congestion that is today delaying all road users.

A formal commitment from the NSW Government to reclassify the road as a State Road and to deliver the required upgrades, aligned to the opening of the Western Sydney International Airport and Bradfield city centre.

It is estimated the required road upgrades will cost at least $500 million.

So far the State Government has committed $50 million towards Fifteenth Avenue and Cowpasture Road. This is nowhere near enough.

Council are advocating for an urgent formal commitment and funding from the State Government to address the significant daily traffic congestion.

Complete a quick survey here to share your views on what is needed from Fifteenth Avenue.